Send emails at 1/10th the cost


Send emails at 1/10th the cost


Send emails at 1/10th the cost

SAAS Onboarding is a 30 day process

Dec 8, 2022

There is a lot of talk about onboarding being one of the most important areas of SAAS. Its true. But when people say onboarding they typically mean the first few minutes after signup when the user is setting up their account using a "Wizard" which takes them thorugh the whole "step 1 of 3" playbook with large fonts, colorful graphics and thoughtful tips.

This is all great but the onboarding cannot stop there. In fact it is just beginning. The reason? If onboarding was truly complete all users would have ended up paying right after your wizard finishes the "step 3 of 3". The customer is still uncertain. He/she would like to take their time. Typically 30 days.

Thats why using lifecycle emails sent from an autoresponder, is extremely important.

They have to help the user feel welcome, help they with their first wins, encourage them after their milestones, remind them to use the app and remind them to pay for the main version.

Its a journey. Its a conversation typically spread over a month typically. Emails are the tool because the user is not on your website unless there are these nudges.

We understand this secret and having built many SAAS products, we realised that we could create a product that made it easy for other SAAS businesses to setup autoresponders quickly and easily.

And we built a tool which does this at 1/10th the costs of any email marketing platform out there by using Amazon SES. You can setup an autoresponder in minutes and increase your converions dramatically. Check it out here.

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